⏩ Zeng Y., Abe Y., Abe A., Takashima S., Kono M., Kagiyama, R., Komabayashi-Suzuki M., Okamoto, T., Ando, H., Ichihashi M., Ema M. & Mizutani K (CA).
Remodeling of Perifollicular Capillary Vessels Preferentially Crosstalk with Dermal Papilla Cells during Hair Cycling Homeostasis but Impairs while Aging.
⏩ Zeng Y., Abe Y., Saio S., Masutani T., Tabata H., Hasegawa H., Ema M., Iddamalgoda A., Ichihashi M. & Mizutani K (CA).
Spatiotemporal localization of proteoglycan constructs extracellular environment to regulate brain angiogenesis.
in preparation
⏩ Asayama S., Igarashi T., Abe Y., Akiyama K., Iwasaki A., Kubo M., Ikeda A., Okamoto T., Yagi M., Niki Y., Ando H., Ichihashi M. & Mizutani K (CA).
Rosae Multiflorae Fructus Extracts Regulate the Differentiation and Vascular Endothelial Cell-mediated Proliferation of Epidermal Keratinocytes.
in revision
⏩ Takashima S., Okamura E., Ichiyama Y., Nishi K., Shimizu A., Watanabe C., Muto M., Matsumoto S., Tsukiyama-Fujii S., Tsukiyama T., Ogita H., Nishi E., Ohji M., Sugiyama F., Takahashi S., Mizuno S., Mizutani K. & Ema M.
Null mutation of exocyst complex component 3-like does not affect vascular development in mice.
Experimental Animals 2024; 73(1): 93-100.
⏩ 今村寿子、平野才人、水谷 健一
2024;64 (3):151-154.
[in Japanese]
Scientific Reports 2023;13:3029.
⏩ Ishihara K., Takata K. & Mizutani K.
Life 2023;13(1):221.
⏩ Ichihashi M., Tanaka M., Asai M., Iizuka T., Nagoe N., Takahashi H., Totsuka H., Fujishiro M., Yahagi S., Matsunaka H., Murakami N., Matsuo O., Ando H., Nishikata T. & Mizutani K.
Effect of an intravenous administration of adipose-tissue-derived autologous stem cells on the skin temperature of paralyzed limbs of stroke patients.
Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports 2023; 10: 1-9.
⏩ Ichihashi M., Tanaka M., Asai M., Iizuka T., Nagoe N., Takahashi H., Totsuka H., Fujishiro M., Yahagi S., Matsunaka H., Murakami N., Matsuo O., Ando H., Nishikata T. & Mizutani K.
A single intradermal injection of autologous adipose-tissue-derived stem cells rejuvenates aged skin and sharpens double eyelids.
Journal of Personalized Medicine 2023; 13 (7): 1162.
⏩ Watanabe C., Shibuya H., Ichiyama Y., Okamura E., Tsukiyama-Fujii S., Tsukiyama T., Matsushita J., Azami T., Kubota Y., Ohji M., Sugiyama F., Takahashi S., Mizuno S., Tamura M., Mizutani K (co-CA). & Ema M.
Essential roles of Exocyst complex component 3-like 2 on cardiovascular development in mice.
Life 2022;12 (11) 1730.
⏩ Takigawa-Imamura H., Hirano S., Watanabe C., Ohtaka-Maruyama C., Ema M. & Mizutani K (co-CA).
Computational model exploring characteristic pattern regulation in periventricular vessels.
Life 2022;12 (12) 2069.
⏩ 朝山紗衣、五十嵐多美、八木政幸、市橋正光、水谷 健一
FRAGRANCE JOURNAL(フレグランスジャーナル)【特集号:皮膚バリアの新知見と応用】
2022;50 (5):26-33.
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
⏩ 田上幸歩、鷹取慧、水谷 健一、剣持貴弘、鶴山竜昭,池川雅哉、吉川研一
日本シミュレーション学会 論文誌
2022;14 (2):133-137.
[in Japanese]
⏩ Saio S., Konishi K., Hohjoh H., Tamura Y., Masutani T., Iddamalgoda A., Ichihashi M., Hasegawa H. & Mizutani K (CA).
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021;22 (20):11169.
[invited review article]
⏩ Iwai R., Ishii T., Okamoto T., Fukushima Y., Ichihashi M., Sasaki Y. & Mizutani K (CA).
Matcha and its components control angiogenic potential.
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 2021;67:119-126.
⏩ Shimizu R., Ishihara K., Kawashita E., Sago H., Yamakawa K., Mizutani K. & Akiba S.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2021;535:87-92.
⏩ 河野美夕、岩崎彩夏、新井良平、阿部晃也、水谷 健一
FRAGRANCE JOURNAL(フレグランスジャーナル)【特集号:皮膚における血管研究】
2021;49 (9):30-37.
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
⏩ 石原慶一、水谷 健一
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
⏩ 水谷 健一
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
⏩ Watanabe C., Imaizumi T., Kawai H., Suda K., Honma Y., Ichihashi M., Ema M. & Mizutani K (CA).
Aging of the vascular system and neural diseases.
Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 2020;12:309.
[invited review article]
⏩ Leszczyński P., Śmiech M, Paranov E, Watanabe C., Mizutani K. & Taniguchi H.
Cells 2020;9:2603.
[review article]
⏩ Ando H., Yoshimoto S., Tadokoro R., Kohda H., Nishikata T., Katayama B., Ozawa T., Tsuruta D., Mizutani K., Yagi M. & Ichihashi M.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2020;21(16):5789.
⏩ Ichihashi M., Tanaka M., Iizuka T., Nagoe N., Sato Y., Takahashi H., Ueda A., Totuka H., Takanashi N., Matsuo O., Ando H. & Mizutani K.
Therapeutic effect of intravenously administered autologous adipocyte-derived stem cells on chronic stage stroke patients.
International Journal of Stem Cell Research & Therapy 2020;7(1):70.
⏩ Asayama S*., Iwasaki A*., Sahara S*., Okamoto T., Nakaoji K., Hamada K., Ichihashi M. & Mizutani K (CA).
Anti-inflammatory effect of Mallotus philippinensis bark extracts in a mouse atopic dermatitis model.
Journal of Clinical Research in Dermatology 2020; 7: 1-5.
⏩ 長谷川潤、水谷 健一
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1248/yakushi.19-00221-F
⏩ 水谷 健一
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1248/yakushi.19-00221-3
⏩ Suzuki-Komabayashi M*., Yamanishi E*., Watanabe C*., Okamura M., Tabata H., Iwai R., Ajioka I., Matsushita J., Kidoya H., Takakura N., Okamoto T., Kinoshita K., Ichihashi M., Nagata K., Ema M. & Mizutani K (CA).
Cell Reports 2019;29:1113-1129.
⏩ Takashima S., Watanabe C., Ema M. & Mizutani K (CA).
Interaction of nervous and vascular system is required for proper assembly of the neocortex.
Neurochemistry International 2019;129:104481.
[invited review article]
⏩ Iwai R., Tabata H., Inoue M., Nomura K., Okamoto T., Ichihashi M., Nagata K. & Mizutani K (CA).
A Prdm8 target gene Ebf3 regulates multipolar-to-bipolar transition in migrating neocortical cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2018;495: 388-394.
⏩ Mizutani K (CA).
Physiological significance of the multipolar cells generated from neural progenitors for the establishment of neocortical cytoarchitecture.
Genes to Cells 2018;23: 6-15.
[review article]
⏩ Inoue M*., Iwai R*., Tabata H, Konno D., Suzuki-Komabayashi M., Watanabe C., Iwanari H., Mochizuki Y., Hamakubo T., Matsuzaki F., Nagata K. & Mizutani K (CA).
Development 2017;144: 385-399.
⏩ Matsushita J., Inagaki S., Nishie T., Sakasai T., Tanaka J., Watanabe C., Mizutani K , Miwa Y., Matsumoto K., Takara K., Naito H., Kidoya H., Takakura N., Nagai T., Takahashi T. & Ema M. Fluorescence and Bioluminescence of Angiogenesis in Flk1-Nano-lantern Transgenic Mice.
Scientific Reports 2017;20:46597.
⏩ 水谷 健一
Seikagaku (生化学 ー基礎と臨床をつなぐ血液・血管生物学ー)2017;89: 384-390.
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
DOI: 10.14952/SEIKAGAKU.2017.890384
⏩ 水谷 健一『神経幹細胞』
Brain Science Dictionary (脳科学辞典:オンライン辞書)
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
⏩ 水谷 健一『神経前駆細胞』
Brain Science Dictionary (脳科学辞典:オンライン辞書)
[invited review article (in Japanese)]
⏩ Inoue M*., Iwai R*., Yamanishi E*., Yamagata K., Suzuki-Komabayashi M., Komai T., Miyachi H., Kitano S., Honda A., Watanabe C., Teshima W. & Mizutani K (CA).
Deletion of Prdm8 impairs the development of the upper-layer neocortical neurons.
Genes to Cells 2015;20:758-770.
⏩ Yamanishi E., Keejung Y., Lavinia A., Gaiano N. & Mizutani K (CA).
NF-kB signaling regulates the generation of intermediate progenitors in the developing neocortex.
Genes to Cells 2015;20:706-719.
⏩ Nishimura Y., Shikanai M., Hoshino M., Ohshima T., Nabeshima Y., Mizutani K., Nagata K. & Kawauchi T.
Cdk5 and its substrates, Dcx and p27kip1, regulate cytoplasmic dilation formation and nuclear elongation in migrating neurons.
Development 2014;141:3540-50.
⏩ Inoue M., Kuroda T., Honda A., Suzuki-Komabayashi M., Komai T., Shinkai Y. & Mizutani K (CA).
Prdm8 regulates the morphological transition at multipolar phase during neocortical development.
PLoS ONE 2014;9:e86356.
⏩ Mizutani K., Yoon K., Dang L., Tokunaga A. & Gaiano N.
Differential Notch signaling distinguishes neural stem cells from intermediate progenitors.
Nature 2007;449:351-355.
⏩ Mizutani K. & Gaiano N.
Chalk one up for ‘Nature’ during neocortical neurogenesis.
Nature Neuroscience 2006;9:717-718.
⏩ Mizutani K. & Saito T.
Progenitors resume generating neurons after temporary inhibition of neurogenesis by Notch activation in the mammalian cerebral cortex.
Development 2005;132:1295-1304.
⏩ Miyagi S., Saito T., Mizutani K., Masuyama N., Gotoh Y., Iwama A., Nakauchi H., Masui S., Niwa H., Nishimoto M., Muramatsu M. & Okuda A.
The Sox-2 regulatory regions display their activities in two distinct multipotent stem cells.
Molecular and Cellular Biology 2004;24:4207-4220.
⏩ Furuya M., Yasuchika K., Mizutani K., Yoshimura Y., Nakatsuji N. & Suemori H. Electroporation of cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells.
Genesis 2003;37:180-187
⏩ Mizutani K., Sugimoto K., Okuda T., Katsuya T., Miyata T., Tanabe T., Higaki J., Ogihara T., Yamori Y., Tsujita Y., Tago N. & Iwai N.
Kynureninase is a novel candidate gene for hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Hypertension Research 2002;25:135-140.
⏩ Okuda T., Sumiya T., Mizutani K., Tago N., Miyata T., Tanabe T., Kato H., Katsuya T., Higaki J., Ogihara T., Tsujita Y., Iwai N. & Kato H.
Analyses of differential gene expression in genetic hypertensive rats by microarray.
Hypertension Research 2002;25:249-255.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K., Tsuda K. & Yamori Y.
Inhibitor for advanced glycation end products formation attenuates hypertension and oxidative damage in genetic hypertensive rats.
Journal of Hypertension 2002;20:1607-1614.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K., Kawai Y. & Yamori Y.
Protective effect of resveratrol on oxidative damage in male and female stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2001;28:55-59.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K. & Yamori Y.
Phytoestrogens attenuate oxidative DNA damage in vascular smooth muscle cells from stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Journal of Hypertension 2000;18:1833-1840.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K., Ito T., Tamaki K., Nara Y. & Yamori Y.
Protective effect of inducible type nitric oxide synthase against intracellular oxidative stress caused by advanced glycation end-products in vascular smooth muscle cells from stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Journal of Hypertension 2000;18:1071-1079.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K., Ishikado A., Kawai Y. & Yamori Y.
Antihypertensive effect of cattle bone collagen-derived peptides in ovariectomized stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2000;27:416-7.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K. & Yamori Y.
Resveratrol inhibits AGEs-induced proliferation and collagen synthesis activity in vascular smooth muscle cells from stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2000;21; 274:61-67.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K., Kawai Y. & Yamori Y.
Resveratrol attenuates ovariectomy-induced hypertension and bone loss in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 2000;46:78-83.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K., Kawai Y. & Yamori Y.
Biomechanical properties and chemical composition of the aorta in genetic hypertensive rats.
Journal of Hypertension 1999;17:481-487.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K., Kawai Y. & Yamori Y.
Extract of wine phenolics improves aortic biomechanical properties in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP).
Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology 1999;4:95-106.
⏩ Mizutani K., Ikeda K., Kawai Y. & Yamori Y.
Resveratrol stimulates the proliferation and differentiation of osteoblastic MC3T3-E1 cells.
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1998;253:859-863.